This policy is aimed at several types of users on the website(s) whose URLs are,,,,,,,, and their subdomains (hereinafter “ Site "). This policy governs the collection of personal or confidential information by the site's owner. The Site's manager, the Owner's service provider for the Site's operation, will also govern itself by the present.

By registering on the Site or using the Site, you agree that the Owner will collect, use and transfer the personal information you provide across all of the Owner's websites by the terms of this Policy. If you disagree with how the Site Owner collects and processes personal data collected through its Sites, please do not use the Site Owner's Sites.


"Site": Word used to designate websites linked to URLs:,,,,,,,, and their subdomains. The Sites and their subdomains are websites that facilitate networking between candidates and employers. The Sites bring together job seekers or interns, students, individuals, employers or organizations.

"candidate": A candidate is a person who enters personal information into the Site to apply for one or more job or internship offers from employers or recruiters. For this policy, the word candidate includes job seeker, internship seeker, student, individual, and visitor interested in an employer.

"employer": An employer is a natural or legal person who registers job offers on the Site and actively seeks qualified candidates to fill one or more internships or jobs.

"user": A user is a candidate, an employer, a partner (company, institutional partner), a recruiter, a recruitment advisor, a promoter or even one of their representatives who uses the Site to participate in a recruitment activity.

“owner” or “we”: 12sc inc. 38 Avenue de la Plage, Magog, Quebec, Canada, owns the Site whose URL,,,,,,,, and their subdomains.

“site manager”: service provider headquarters in the province of Quebec in Canada.


When you access the Site, certain information is automatically exchanged between your computer and the server without your intervention.

  1. a) Cookie Files

This site places a cookie file on candidates' computers. This cookie file allows us to track candidate activities on the Site.

  1. b) Exchange of information about your equipment

Information on your equipment (hardware and software) must be exchanged so that the file transmitted by the server is compatible with your computer equipment. The administrator also keeps the information required to count the number of visitors, the most visited pages, the technology used by the site's customers, the referencing sites, and the country of origin of the candidates.

Information transmitted automatically between computers can, in some cases, identify you personally.


The Site(s) provide links to other (third-party) websites. When you leave the Site(s), the information exchanged is no longer subject to this privacy policy but to that of the external website, if applicable.

Providing external links does not imply that the owner shares the opinions of their authors. Consequently, the owner and manager cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for the ideas, thoughts and data, whatever they may be, available on these external sites. External links allow the user to find additional information, participate in a conference offered by the owner or an employer, or apply for a job on an employer's website.


  1. a) Consultation of public access pages

The only information collected in the public access pages is the following:

  • the name, address, IP address and Internet domain used to access the Site;
  • the type and version of the browser and operating system used;
  • the website you came from (when you clicked on a link to our site).

This data is collected through cookies. They are used solely for statistical purposes and allow us, among other things, to know which pages have been viewed, for how long, and in what order. This data is preserved indefinitely for analysis, including comparing statistical data from year to year.

  1. b) Specific information for candidates

Employers, organizations and institutions read the candidate's information as soon as the candidate completes the registration form. If you do not want an employer, organization or institution to see your data, you should not complete your profile or the registration form available on the Site(s).

To participate in the Speed-Jobbing event as a candidate, you will need to complete your profile, which includes the following information:

  • your name, email address, address, telephone number and other contact information;
  • your picture;
  • information about your career and professional background, such as your educational background, work history, languages ​​you speak, skills, achievements and qualities;
  • documents and media you had uploaded, such as letters and presentations;
  • your interests and professional preferences;
  • your status in Canada;
  • your preferences and settings;
  • details of jobs that interest you and that you have saved on the Site(s);
  • your communications with employers/recruiters and other users of the Platform, including your job applications;

Other information relevant to the job search or for statistics applicable to the owner in the services rendered to you and which you agree to provide on your profile

By registering on the Site, you authorize the owner and manager of the Site to use the personal information you have added to the Job Site, transmit it only to duly authorized persons, and use it only for the purposes they were collected.

Additionally, we may use your personal information to contact you at certain times for a survey.

Please note that you can modify, delete and close your profile on the Site at any time or email However, even in such cases, you accept that your profile may have been viewed and information copied by employers, organizations or institutions during the period your profile was active.

Matching, targeted messages, application submissions and job opportunities

We use the information in your Profile and CV to match you with job offers, notify you, and provide you with more information about opportunities that may interest you based on your indicated preferences. These could be application invitations, upcoming events, learning opportunities, and other professional development opportunities.

When you choose to apply for a job on the Site, we share your Profile information with the employer or recruiter who posted the job offer. This information will be accompanied by any documents or media attached to the Profile you included with your application, such as a cover letter or curriculum vitae. When you update the information on your Profile, it is this updated information that becomes visible. The employer or recruiter can share your Profile information with others through a “successful applicants list,” including a link to your Profile and other information included with your application. If you edit your Profile information while the connection is active, the updated information will be visible to the recipient.

  1. c) Specific information for employers

To access the Job Site service as an employer, you must initially provide us with a valid email address. In the subsequent registration process, we ask you for the following information:

  • the name of the organization;
  • the first and last name of a contact person;
  • the organization’s telephone number;
  • the profile of your organization and other relevant information to communicate to job seekers;
  • your organization's logo. The information is usually found in a job offer. (e.g., job title, necessary skills, compensation and benefits.)

This information is always accessible to directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents of the site owner. Registered candidates will only see the name of the company or organization, the company's main activities, and the information usually found in a job offer only when the employer sends the information to the organizer.

Employer data may be destroyed upon request by the owner, directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents. They will be saved for the period deemed sufficient by the owner to protect the owner's legitimate interests.


By registering on the Site, creating your profile and providing the requested information, you consent to us using the information you provide to us to:

  • create your profile based on your data;
  • contact you to inform you of new recruitment activities or to obtain your opinion;
  • provide you with communications or additional information, such as newsletters;
  • allow you to communicate your reactions, contact us or allow us to respond to you;
  • provide employers or third parties who represent them with information about you and your interest in proposed job offers;
  • provide employers or third parties who represent them with information enabling them to finalize a pre-selection of candidates so that they can choose those they wish to call for an interview during the activity or for subsequent interviews, even after the Speed-Jobbing outfit;
  • provide employers or third parties who represent them with your first and last name when you accept an invitation for an interview.

We may share your contact information with third parties who provide services to us as part of our operations, including customer support, billing, and communications with you. When we share contact information with third parties for these purposes, the third parties must treat this information as confidential and use it only in connection with the Services we provide to you.

The Site allows recruiters authorized recruitment advisors to consult your application profile to pre-select qualified candidates responding to the job offers indicated in the specific framework of the recruitment activity, for the benefit of one or more employers.

The information you post on the Site may be viewed, used, printed and stored only by employers or other authorized users. By providing personal data relating to your qualifications, education, age group, experience level or any additional information relevant to job seeking or statistical purposes for our database, you agree that the data is used as described in this policy.


You can withdraw your consent to receive communications from the owner or manager at any time, either by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” hyperlink appearing in these communications or by contacting the following address: 


We communicate data relating to your profile to employers, partners, recruiters and users of the Job Site. We will not share your personal information with anyone or sell your data to third parties outside the Site.

When information is communicated to employers on the Site, we ensure that we obtain commitments from them to only use this data for recruitment targeted by the Site. When information is communicated to another user (recruiter or recruitment advisor), we obtain commitments from them to only use this data to exercise their function within the Site's framework. In addition, we receive from them a responsibility not to use this information to benefit other people or to communicate it to third parties.

You have the right to object to your personal information being collected and thus preserved. If you do not want your personal information to be stored on a physical medium, you can request this effect by emailing

The owner will retain indirect demographic and statistical information that concerns you but does not identify you personally.


You must ensure that your login credentials (username and password) remain confidential. Please notify us immediately if you suspect that an unauthorized person is using your credentials or that the confidentiality of these credentials has been compromised.

The Site has implemented reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your data against accidental loss or unauthorized access, use, alteration or dissemination. Despite these measures, the Internet remains an open system, and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat the security measures we have put in place or use your data for illegitimate purposes.


The Site is intended only for adults and persons who can accept these conditions by operation of law in the jurisdiction in which they are located. Any other person must consent through the person authorized to exercise their civil rights (parent, guardian or other representative authorized by law).


These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed by the District Saint-François, Quebec, Canada laws, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.


If you have any questions regarding the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Policy, or if you believe that we are not complying with this policy, you can contact us at any time by email at

We will take all reasonable steps to answer your questions or resolve your problem promptly.

You can also use this address to communicate with us for any request provided by law regarding personal information concerning you, particularly requests for access, withdrawal and rectification.


The owner and manager assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the information reproduced on the site and the results of using such information. Without limiting the previous, the Owner and Manager make no guarantee that applicants will be able to find employment or that employers will receive applications.

In addition, the owner and manager disclaim any responsibility relating to the information transmitted by employers and candidates on the Site. Everyone is responsible for verifying the integrity of the data of any party with whom they wish to agree.

The owner and manager reserve the right to modify, limit, or delete any data posted online on the Site, mainly if this data is defamatory or discriminatory, goes against good morals or public order, or is likely to undermine the integrity or proper functioning of the Site.

The owner and manager assumes no responsibility for losses, damages or costs resulting from the use or inability to use the information communicated on the Site.

The person responsible for this policy is Patrick Lacroix. You can reach him by email at

We may update this privacy policy occasionally to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will post the revised policy on our Site and indicate the date of the most recent update.

If you disagree with how we collect data and process personal information collected through the job board, please do not use our job board.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at

Update on May 14, 2024.